Thursday, July 11, 2013

Iron Scrapper week 2 challenge: use arrows and diamonds (and a tip or two)

Specifically, I had to use 7 arrows (thanks for taking it down from 9!) and 3 diamonds.  All using Scrap Orchard products. I had a lot of fun making this layout of our move from Broken Bow, Ok to Santa Fe, NM. The tip here is to use kits. When I first started gathering kits, I separated them. It didn't take me too long to realize that by keeping the kits intact, not only did it save time but I also had the advantage of someone else gathering items that look good together.

Products used
-Iron Scrapper Week 2 Bundle: In the City
-Iron Scrapper Week 2 freebie template

Notes: The font I used, Archisitico, is very light and I had to duplicate the text layers about 4 times each to make them dark enough to read here. I also added a "vellum" layer under the text on the bottom photo to make the text more legible.

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